MARCH 15, 2022

MARCH 15, 2022

Sweet Sisters,   The other day I watched a YouTube video.  It was an episode from Extreme America’s got talent.  A young woman named Cyndel Flores did a death-defying act on top of a sixty-foot pole that was slick from the rain that had fallen before the show.  One of...
FEBRUARY 26, 2022

FEBRUARY 26, 2022

Sweet Sisters,   This week I want to look at Psalm 145.  I’ve chosen to use the New Century Version of the Bible because I really like the way they translated it. 145  I praise your greatness, my God the King;    I will praise you forever and ever. 2  I will...
FEBRUARY 15, 2022

FEBRUARY 15, 2022

Sweet Sisters,   Wednesday morning, I had an early morning doctor’s appointment.  Paul took me to breakfast afterward.  As we walked into the restaurant, I saw a couple sitting at a table across the room.  We’ve recently become acquainted with this couple through...
FEBRUARY 9, 2022

FEBRUARY 9, 2022

Sweet Sisters, We have “talked” often during the time I have been writing these lessons about the power of prayer.  We’ve learned that we can take all of our fears and concerns to God and that He hears us and helps us. Today I want to look at a different kind of...
FEBRUARY 1, 2022

FEBRUARY 1, 2022

Sweet Sisters, It occurred to me recently while reading Jude 24, that God wants me to be successful in my walk with Him.  He is more than willing to help me, in every way possible, to stand before Him blameless and without reproach and full of joy. Let’s look at Jude...
JANUARY 27, 2022

JANUARY 27, 2022

Sweet Sisters Writing this week’s lesson was a real challenge for me.  Monday came and went and I had no clue what I wanted to talk about.  All day Tuesday I still didn’t know what I wanted to do.  Finally, Tuesday night a thought “came to me” that I should sit down...