I have been a music fan almost my entire life. I grew up listening to what is now classic rock and country and western. I could listen to just about any kind of music except classical and Kenny G. I am still a music fan. I still listen to classic rock and country...
The story is told of a preacher who went to visit one of the elderly ladies of the congregation. He knocked on the door, yet there was no answer. So he knocked a little louder knowing that the woman was a bit hard of hearing. Still no answer. The preacher took out one...
Our most Holy God and loving Father, today we approach your throne once again with shocked minds and heavy hearts. Another shooting has taken multiple lives. God, most people cannot fathom what might cause a person to take another person’s life, let alone the life of...
One thing that has always amused me is when somebody says, “It’s a free country, I will do what I want.” Is that the real meaning of freedom? If I am free, can I do whatever I want? The obvious answer is no because there are still rules and laws in place to govern our...
When I was in elementary and junior high school, we would play games that would require teams. At recess, two people would be chosen as team captains and they would pick the kids they wanted to be on their team. Everybody usually knew who the first pick would be, the...
Unless you have been completely out of touch the last few days, you know by now about the leaked Supreme Court document that seems to imply the high court’s intention to overturn Roe vs. Wade, which would make abortion unconstitutional. Of course, this has prompted...
The church at Corinth was full of turmoil. It was the epitome of sin and division. The city itself was a port city and made a lot of money dragging ships across the peninsula that separated the Ionian Sea from the Aegean Sea. Because people from many parts of the...
I am always puzzled by people who claim that the Bible is a work of fiction and there is absolutely no proof that any of it is true. These people are obviously so biased that they cannot see life going on around them. I also find myself confused about people who try...
We often hear the phrase “To God be the glory”, but what does it mean? In theory, it’s easy to explain, God is to be exalted. In practice, it can be a little more difficult. It takes a true servant’s heart to allow God to receive the glory in all things. It is in our...
Conditioning was always a word that brought dread and stress into my life in high school. Conditioning meant that it was July and in the hot humid late afternoons of Ohio, those planning on playing football that Fall would be gathered together on the practice field to...
This past weekend, I had the privilege of getting to listen to one of my mentors, Woody Biggs, speak. He made a statement that should resonate throughout the church. He said in the community where the church he preaches is located, they have a reputation for being the...
For some people, happiness seems to be an elusive dream. They are always looking for the “next best thing” to improve their life. It can range anywhere from the latest technology, a new job, living in a particular place, or even a new mate. For people with this...