It seems that every generation becomes busier than the previous generation. There is more to accomplish, more to be made, and more places to go. It seems the days of rest and relaxation have passed many people by. If there is time to rest, it is filled with something “productive.”


When people tell me how busy they are and that they don’t have time to slow down, I am reminded of the creation story. God created this entire world in six days and on the seventh, He rested.


I have come to the conclusion that if people would just stop focusing on this world and think on things eternal, they would find that life is much more enjoyable, and God has given them blessings beyond what they can even imagine.


I know that our world has changed immensely just over the past 10 years let alone over the past 50 to 100 years. But one thing that hasn’t changed is God and His desire that all men be saved. His word remains steadfast and means the very same thing it did when His Spirit moved men to put His will on paper (or papyrus or parchment if you prefer).


Thinking on things eternal will lead each of us to have a happier life and be the servants that God has called us to be. When our focus turns from the temporal to eternal, we understand that our life is just a vapor and the best way to enjoy it is allow God to guide us and understand that only our relationship with Him will go beyond this world. He has given talents to use to His glory and He has blessed us with our lives and the things contained within our lives. God expects us to be good stewards of our lives and of course, place Him first in our lives.


Satan does all that he can to keep our minds occupied with worries of this world and it is easy for him because we justify our worries by saying we are being responsible with what God has blessed us.


Now friends, I am by no means saying we start being irresponsible, quit working and quit paying our bills and things like that. What I am saying is that we need to stop and do a thorough self-examination and be sure that each of us has placed God on the throne of our hearts and that we are not deluding ourselves by going through the motions of “religion.”


There is so much that each of us have to offer God and His church. I truly believe that we all have many more talents than we use for His glory. We have become comfortable with where we are and what we do and that makes it difficult to look for other talents. That is, until we begin to focus on things eternal and understand that eternal things are all that really matter!


When we begin to focus on things eternal, we start to look at the world in a different manner. We begin to seek for lost souls. After all, aren’t we supposed to be doing that? Our minds begin to clear up because we are ridding ourselves of worry and giving it to God. So let us determine to turn our minds to things eternal and allow God to use each of our lives as He sees fit. As we submit to God more and more each day, I know that God will use us to accomplish amazing things in His kingdom!


Read Colossians 3:1-4