In our world today, we see many problems that people just can’t seem to overcome. Inequality, racism, countless other social injustices, what is now known as “cancel culture”, economic hardships, among many other issues. These topics have caused much division in our so-called United States. Though the problems are many, the solution is simple. There is one solution to all these problems and it is so simple, yet many refuse to accept it.

The solution is to love one another as Jesus has loved us (John 13:34)! Think about it, the New Testament is very plain on the teaching of love and what it is (I Corinthians 13). I know that many will say that they don’t believe in God or Jesus and think the Bible is just a mythological storybook. Just for the sake of argument for a moment, let’s say the unbelievers are right and this life is all there is and there is no eternal life. Even at that, if we treated one another like the Bible instructs us to we would still live a better life here on earth and many of the issues we face that cause division, hatred, and even wars would cease to exist. But since we know that the Bible is the truth of God and His promises are real, eternal life is the ultimate goal. So by following the New Testament, we could have a great life here on earth and an even greater life eternal with God!

As we know, this pandemic has wreaked havoc on many people’s financials and our economy has a whole. The Bible has a solution for that as well. In Leviticus 25 we read about the Year of Jubilee. Without going into much detail, this basically said that all debts would be cancelled every 50 years. Think about it, if everybody in our country could start again with a clean slate owing nothing to anybody, wouldn’t that jumpstart the economy and have a definite upward swing? I know there are many economists who would explain why this would not work, however, if we merely trust God and do what He says, it will work. That is His promise.

So it has come down to this, do we want to continue stumble along in darkness or do we desire to walk in the light? We just need to hit our knees and pray. We need to commit our lives to Jesus and trust that He will get us through any hardships we face, we just need to completely turn everything over to Him!


Read I Peter 5:6-11