Just about any kid that has spent some time in a Sunday or Wednesday Bible class or even VBS can usually retell the stories of some of the Bible’s great heroes. Ask them about Noah, they will tell you about the ark, the animals, and the flood. Ask them about Abraham and they will tell you about God’s promise to him and how he was willing to sacrifice Isaac. Ask them about Jacob and they will tell you about his twelve sons and his encounters with his brother Esau. Ask about Joseph and they will tell you about he was sold into slavery. Ask about Daniel and they will tell you about his night in the Lion’s den. The list goes on and on.

                It is a good thing that children know these things and that they remember them throughout their lives. I was reading an article that was talking about teaching children and the author used this acronym to describe the way we should teach our children: T.R.U.T.H.

Ttell the story. Lead them to the realization that Bible is one big epic story so they  can connect the dots

Rremind the child of their place in the story (How it relates to them) While the Bible is God’s story it is also ours. Make it personal so it comes alive in their hearts.

Uuncover the ideas that apply to them. Ask yourself as you teach them, “What will they understand?” “What might need explaining in their terms?” “What lesson applies to where they might be?”

Ttake action by modeling the lessons learned. Teach your children by example. And lead them to do the same thing. Pray with them and don’t be afraid to be honest with them. If you need to don’t be afraid to admit when you are wrong. Show that you have complete and total dependence on God.

Hhide it in their hearts by memorization. Choose a verse or story as a family to study and discuss for a period of time.

                Sometimes it may seem that they are not getting it or they don’t understand, don’t underestimate them or give up on them. Gaining a mature faith is a journey that takes time and effort. As kids grow, they will remember the time spent studying God’s word and that will help them in their spiritual journey.

                Children are a gift from God, and we have the great responsibility to rear them knowing Him.  Let’s take our children’s spiritual growth as seriously as we take their physical growth.


Read Proverbs 22:6