Have you ever dealt with somebody who has to have everything their own way? They may even believe their way is the only way or the right way in spite of being offered proof that they are wrong. They may look at written proof and twist the words to fit their own agenda. It gets very frustrating and it can cause great harm in any relationship.


We see it in our judicial system, lawyers that may find a few words that they can twist to justify a client’s actions. Our government will “interpret” the Constitution in a way that the framers of that great document never intended. Our forefathers would wonder what country they landed in if they were to come back today and see how some of their ideas are interpreted and seeing a government that desires to have power over the people instead of receiving their power from the people.


While people giving their own spin on things, such as laws, can be annoying, it is not an eternal problem. The bigger problem is when people who claim to be Christians twist the Bible, misinterpret Bible passages, and use verses out of context to prove their point. It is quite common. Let’s look at one particular passage that creates confusion for some, Mark 16:1616 Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned. Here, Jesus obviously teaches the importance of baptism (immersion) in being saved. I have had many discussions with people who claim to be Christians, say that Jesus did not mean baptism is essential for salvation. When I asked what He meant then, they usually have no answer. I have even had a couple tell me that He was saying baptism was for those who desire it. Where is that in the content of that scripture? Another popular argument is that Jesus did not say, “whoever does not believe and is not baptized will be condemned.” Jesus does not have to say that because the two elements must be together in order to receive salvation. You can believe and not be baptized, however, you still have not been obedient to the gospel. You can be baptized and not believe, however, you just got wet!


There are so many other teachings that people have misused in order to promote what they believe the Bible says or worse yet, to justify a lifestyle that does not reflect Christianity. People will use Paul’s discourse in I Corinthians 9:19-23. They will argue that they are imitating Paul and quote I Corinthians 9:22I have become all things to all men so that by all possible means I might save some. The problem is they forget that Paul qualified this statement in verse 21though I am not free from God’s law but am under Christ’s law.


The conclusion of the matter is God’s way is the right way. It is not open for debate or discussion. It is not up to any man to change God’s word. This is why Paul told Timothy in II Timothy 2:1515 Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth.


                                                               Read Romans 10:1-4