A few years ago, after speaking on the importance of teaching biblical truths to our children, I had a woman say, “I don’t want my kid to learn that.” I asked if she was against humility, serving others, unconditional love, and teaching morality in general. She never really answered the question, only went on to talk about how she viewed God as vindictive and spiteful. When I asked her why she thought that she said He destroyed the world with a flood, killing innocent people. The conversation went on, however, whenever she was faced with a question, she skirted around it and just stated another opinion. But the thing that stuck with me was her statement that she didn’t want her kids knowing the Bible.


Right now, our society is in turmoil and it comes back to people not wanting to know what the Bible teaches. God created life and He gave us instruction book on how to properly live it. When we start wandering away from those instructions, life goes sideways really quickly.


So many people are crying out against social injustices, and rightfully so. Many are promoting equality, and they should. The problem is that many of these same people won’t give God and His word a chance. You see, the Bible, particularly the New Testament, teaches these ideas plainly. God does not teach us to be hateful and instructs His children not to be vengeful!


In New Testament times, people were either Jews or Greeks. People who were not Jewish were considered Greeks or gentiles regardless of their actually nationality. The Jews got the reputation of being snobbish and there were very few things more insulting to them than to be compared to or lumped together with the gentiles. This is one reason why Paul’s declaration of there is neither Jew nor Greek (Galatians 3:28) would be an eye-opener for many Jews who had converted to Christianity.


The Bible plainly teaches that nobody’s life is more valuable than anyone else’s. Every soul was purchased with the same blood of Jesus dying on the cross for sins. Notice one of the most frequently quoted verses from the Bible, John 3:1616 “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” It is obvious from this verse that God recognizes every soul as worth the life of Jesus. We all have the opportunity to be saved. That makes us all equal.


In reality, these issues will never go away because you will always have people who will not allow themselves to be humble and loving toward everyone. These issues cannot be solved without people understanding and embracing unconditional love and putting others ahead of themselves. We may not be able to eliminate these problems, however, with the right instruction and attitude, we can slow them down! The solution has to come from God!


So, do you want to solve racism, social injustices, and inequality? Turn to God and His word. If we would teach our kids the word of God, they will not have to endure the societal issues we face today on such a large scale. They would understand that everybody is one in Christ Jesus!


Read Galatians 3:26-29