“How can I ever thank you?” I am sure you have heard somebody say that; maybe you even said it yourself. The implication is that somebody has done something so great for the beneficiary that they don’t see any way to be able to repay the favor.

            In an episode of the classic sitcom “The Brady Bunch”, Greg stopped Bobby from falling from a second story window. Bobby was so grateful that he became Greg’s personal servant. This was not a new concept when this TV show aired way back when. Centuries before, people often indentured themselves to another in order to repay a debt. This was the case in the parable of the unmerciful servant told by Jesus, recorded by Matthew in his gospel (Matthew 18:21-35). Sometimes people do amazing things in order to assist other people. The act is so selfless and means so much to the recipient, they don’t believe there is any way to repay the person. “How can I ever thank you” actually implies that the person saying this is willing to do whatever it takes to try to repay the one who helped them. Nobody likes to feel like they owe somebody else.

            This statement, however, should be asked by people to God. God paid the debt that we could not repay ourselves. He redeemed our souls by sending Jesus to die on the cross for our sins. Not everybody acknowledges what God has done for His creation. Some people know and just don’t care. Others care but really are not sure what to do.

            God knows that we can never repay Him for everything He has done for us. God does not expect us try. This is the gist of the parable of the unmerciful servant that was previously referenced. We often sing a song in our worship service called “He Paid A Debt.” The first part of the song goes, “He paid a debt He did not owe, I owed a debt I could not pay, I needed someone to wash my sins away.” If we were able to wash our own sins away, Jesus would not have had to die on the cross. God has lovingly paid our debt and the only thing He asks in return is for us to live according to his word. He wants us to be thankful enough that we pass on His wonderful blessings to those around us. How can we ever thank God? Be like Him!


Read Luke 6:27-49