Humility before God is one characteristic every Christian must possess.  Now we have to be able to determine the difference between humility and laziness. Too often, we are inclined to not be involved or not take a role in something the church is doing by using the excuse that we are not able or we don’t have the talent for such a thing. This is normally just a cover for I really do not want to be involved.


Anyone who has even a limited knowledge of the Bible knows that God will not accept excuses. Look at Moses for an example. While in Egypt, he knew his role was to be a leader of his people the Israelites. His problem was that his timing was off. Then when God approached him forty years later, Moses just offered excuses as to why he was not able to do what God had purposed for him. Now, don’t get me wrong, I know the Bible tells us that Moses was the humblest man in the world, but when God called Him, there was no reason to argue. Fear and maybe a lack of faith controlled Moses at that time. God showed him Who to trust!


See, true humility is not looking at ourselves and deciding what we can and cannot do but listening to God and knowing that He is in control. He is the Master, I am the servant. The Bible makes it very clear that we must be in submission to God. I believe that Paul was in submission to God, yet at the same time he said in Philippians 4:13: “I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.” That is true humility. Knowing that I can do nothing on my own. However, I can do anything with God! Our humility allows us to understand that God will not call us to do anything for which He has not first prepared us.


I pray that we all have enough faith in God to trust Him. We must be humble before Him and allow Him to work through us. The things He calls us to do may not be easy, remember Abraham being called to sacrifice Isaac. Total obedience to God’s call will lead us to a trusting relationship with Him that will be rivaled by no other.


Being humble has nothing to do with putting yourself down, or even not being self-promoting, but it has everything to do with trusting God with your life and knowing He can do anything through you!


Read II Timothy 3:16, 17