It seems that many people this day and age are on a health kick. Fitness clubs and gyms have been competing for members, city parks have installed exercise stations on walking trails, people are drinking more and more water, and “healthy” options seem to be a regular on most restaurant menus. Now this is not a new phase, it has been happening for several years, it’s just that it seems more pronounced in recent years, especially coming out of the pandemic and stay at home order.


The question comes to mind, “Is physical health related to spiritual health?” IT is certainly something to consider, God knows what is best for His creation so it stands to reason that spiritual health would have some kind of effect on physical health. Now, this is not to say that those who have no relationship with God are physically sick and ailing all the time, just as those who have a strong relationship with God never get physically sick or injured.


Reading through the book of Leviticus, which describes God’s law for His people, you will find much information on dietary standards, hygiene, and how to deal with illness and injuries. Obviously being a child of God does not immune anyone from physical illness or injury, however, trusting in God’s word and His healing power certainly doesn’t hurt anyone. God has provided us with many advances in treatments for illnesses and injuries that those under the Law of Moses did not have. Understanding God’s love and compassion certainly lends itself to seeing how physical health can be related to spiritual health.


In Psalm 32:1-4, David relates his physical infirmities to the fact he had unconfessed sin; he was spiritually unhealthy and was suffering physically suffering because of it. Paul also equates physical sickness with poor spiritual health in I Corinthians 11:27-30. So, it would seem, spiritual health is important and part of being completely healthy.


Now, as mentioned earlier, being a Christian does not immune anyone from the evils of this world. This world is physical and we are bound by the laws of physics. To make things just a little more difficult, Satan is the ruler of this physical world. Anything he can do to attempt to turn us from God, he will do. Just read the first two chapters of Job. What being a Christian does for us during those times of physical trials is allow us to be comforted by God and realize the power He possesses and gives the strength to trust Him. Paul obviously suffered some physical issues. In II Corinthians 12:1-10 he relates a vision he had and the “thorn in the flesh” that was given to him to keep him humble. He speaks to the Galatians about an illness that seems to have affected his eyes as he says he knew, if they could, they have ripped out their eyes and given them to him. In reality, Paul sums up what being Christian does for us in II Corinthians 12:9-9 But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Being a Christian allows us to realize God’s grace is all we need. A life lived in God’s grace glorifies Him above all things.


Yes, we will get sick and injured in this world. We will be much better off if we have a relationship with God, that is, if we are spiritually healthy. Being spiritually healthy is far more important than being physically healthy because the body is temporary and the soul, or spirit is eternal!


Read I Timothy 4:1-9