JANUARY 18, 2022

JANUARY 18, 2022

Sweet Sisters,             I have often heard the phrase, “wait on the Lord” during conversations with fellow believers.  It seems like this phrase comes up when someone is frustrated because a situation that concerns them is not going the way they want in the time...


I preached my very first sermon almost 30 years ago at Stop 9 church of Christ in Byesville, Ohio. The title of the sermon was “The Foolishness of Human Wisdom” based on I Corinthians 1:18-25. Woody Biggs was, and still is the preacher at Stop 9. He is the one who...


I was reading article written by a man who was part of a staff of a large church. He was writing about the fact that he and the senior minister was very close, then through the process of time, they grew apart, and eventually didn’t talk to one another for...


Have you ever thought what your life would be like if you did not have the capability to change your mind about things? Now, I don’t mean just being unwilling to change your mind; I mean not having the ability. Once you decide on something, that’s it. Think about it,...
DECEMBER 29, 2021

DECEMBER 29, 2021

Sweet Sisters, Have you ever had an experience that affected you so much that you just had to share it?  Maybe it was something as simple as discovering a new restaurant that had delicious food and amazing service.  Maybe it was experiencing a really dark time in your...