APRIL 19, 2022

APRIL 19, 2022

Sweet Sisters,             I have been reading Bob Goff’s book, Everybody Always.  In chapter 13 Bob makes these comments: Many of us are limited by what we have but don’t use. Jesus tells us to bring what we have to Him and He will make something amazing out of it....
APRIL 12, 2022

APRIL 12, 2022

Sweet Sisters,             I have noticed as I am approaching 65, that if I am not really intentional about controlling my emotions, that life can become very frustrating.  Age has brought changes for me that have caught me by surprise.  Some are annoying and some are...


Conditioning was always a word that brought dread and stress into my life in high school. Conditioning meant that it was July and in the hot humid late afternoons of Ohio, those planning on playing football that Fall would be gathered together on the practice field to...
APRIL 5, 2022

APRIL 5, 2022

Sweet Sisters, When I was growing up, Prudential Insurance Company used the Rock of Gibraltar as its logo.  John Dryden who owned the company in the 1890’s was looking for a way to advertise.  An advertising company came up with the idea of using the Rock of Gibraltar...