June 29, 2021

June 29, 2021

Sweet Sisters, Names are important.  Our name tells us and others who we are.  Our name separates us from those around us.  Our name powerfully influences our emotions and our actions.  Our name validates us. When my twins, Rachel and Lydia, were in the 7th Grade, we...
June 22, 2021

June 22, 2021

Sweet Sisters:   Whenever I pick up my Bible and I don’t have a particular passage in mind, but I feel a strong need to be “in the Word”, it seems like I always end up in the Book of Psalms.  No matter what emotion I am experiencing or what drama I am dealing with, as...


The Bible teaches us quite a bit about our anger and how to deal with it. It is probably because anger can spread and it can cause much damage.   The late Billy Martin, a former Major League baseball player and manager wrote in his autobiography, “Number 1”,...