NOVEMBER 9, 2021

NOVEMBER 9, 2021

Sweet Sisters, When Paul and I had been married a little over a year, he accepted a youth minister position in Albany, Oregon.  We were living in Azusa, CA, at the time and Paul was working as a Youth Minister with the church he had grown up in. We were young and...


One of the most common stories from the Bible about the birth of Jesus (and probably the most inaccurately portrayed) is the visit of the Magi from the East. It is true they followed a star and they brought gifts to the King of the Jews. There are three gifts...
NOVEMBER 3, 2021

NOVEMBER 3, 2021

weet Sisters,   As most of you know the last few weeks have been quite an adventure for Paul and me.   We left on October eleventh on a road trip to Oklahoma to spend time with our daughter, Rachel, and her family and with my parents and my sisters.  We arrived on...


Our society today has quickly moved to an “inclusive” mindset. The motto “We’re all alright,” has been a battle cry to be sure that no one feels left out. Don’t get me wrong, I think it is important for people to feel like they belong and are accepted. The problem...