The recall election in California is over and the governor retained his office. In my opinion, those opposing the recall used a great strategy. They focused on one issue and ignored what was truly important. It worked.


This got me to thinking, Satan does the same thing with us. When Satan wants to draw us away from God or interfere with our spirituality, he doesn’t have to undo everything we know about God and the Bible, he just needs to get our mind focused on something trivial.


It’s pretty simple. We can sing and pray while assembling with our brothers and sisters, all the while having our mind focusing on how the person two rows in front of me said something that upset me. It could be jealousy, maybe you’re thinking about some juicy gossip you heard the day before. It could even be about how you don’t like something within the service. The list could go on and on. The point is, Satan just needs a little crack to get in, just like a rodent!


When we come to worship, our entire focus must be on God. This is one reason Jesus gives this in instruction in Matthew 5:23, 2423 “Therefore, if you are offering your gift at the altar and there remember that your brother has something against you, 24 leave your gift there in front of the altar. First go and be reconciled to your brother; then come and offer your gift. Our mind needs to be absolutely set on God. It is impossible to properly worship our great God if our mind is being led astray.


Even in life outside of our worship assembly, God must be our focus. We need to follow His direction and stay on the path of righteousness. It is so easy to be distracted from God by other people. Maybe the driver ahead of you just cut you off. Your reaction determines if you allow Satan in your heart or if you allow God to give you His peace. Maybe someone is arguing with you about something, and you know without a doubt to are right. The words you choose and the attitude with which you say them reveal your focus.


Satan knows how to push our buttons. He knows what things will cause us to lose focus on God and give him an invitation into our lives. Once Satan gets in, it doesn’t take long for him to make himself at home and like a squatter, it takes much effort to evict him.


The key to not losing focus is to keep our minds pure and fill it with God’s word every day. The more we fill our heart with God, the less room there is for Satan!


Read Philippians 4:4-9